Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Want more for yourself, while appreciating what you have

1) You have a car, you have an apartment, home, or a place to stay, you have a significant other who loves you unconditionally, you have a job or you have an awesome opportunity, your bills are paid, etc. 2) You're constantly complaining about the car's scratches, dents, or stains. You hate your roommate or complain about your landlord. You complain about management, pay or hours. You complain that you never have any money.

The first person is positive and is thankful for what they have.
The second person is negative and unappreciative.
Who's happier?
Probably the person who actually appreciates what they have instead of having a pity party.
Some people even do a collective mix of the first and second.

Well, here's a secret to growth and development I learned from being on both sides of this fence, YOU ARE VERY INFLUENTIAL either way. If you hang out with 3 negative people, you become the fourth. If you have out with 3 positive people, you become the fourth. If you're unhappy with your situation, it's YOUR fault. Whatever seed you sow, is the seed you reap. Great opportunities don't come in this life to people who have crappy dispositions in life. If you think everything sucks, everything is ALWAYS going to suck and you're going to justify everything to fall in line.

If you want to change your life or change your situation, change your way of thinking.
Be thankful for what you have and if you want more, stop waiting for it to come.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Official Website NOW LIVE

We would like to send a HUGE special thanks to Alex Brinkman of Green Tree Media, LLC for his phenomenal work on our brand new website. We really appreciate your diligence in making our vision come alive. 
For all of our fellow business associates, make sure you contact Alex if you're in need of web development!

Check us out at Lotus V Online !!!!